Şeker Hastalığında Biotin


Karbonhidrat metabolizmalarında koenzimdir. Aynı zamanda hücre gelişimine katkıda bulunur, kanın şeker seviyesini ortalama düzeyde tutmaya yardımcı olur.

Tek başına şeker hastalığı tedavisinde kullanılmaz ama gerek insilünle tedavi edilen gerekse haplarla tedavi edilen şeker hastalarında tedaviye günlük 10 mg biotin eklenmesi kan şekerinin daha dengeli olmasına yardımcı olur.Şeker hastalarında daha önemli etkisi şeker hastalığına bağlı olarak yıllar içinde gelişen sinir harabiyetini (nöropati) engellemektedir.

Şeker hastalığının yan etkilerinden korunmak için sürekli biotin alınmalıdır bu sebeple 100 günlük tedavinin bir kutuda sunulduğu için daha ekonomik olan HP biotin tercih edilebilir.


Diabet Hastalığına Biotin

Biotinin şeker hastalığında kullanımıyla ilgili bilimsel yayınlar 

Diabetes mellitus

It has been known for many years that overt biotin deficiency impairs glucose utilization in rats (19). In one human study, blood biotin levels were significantly lower in 43 patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM; type 2 diabetes) than in non-diabetic control subjects, and lower fasting blood glucose levels were associated with higher blood biotin levels. After one month of biotin supplementation (9,000 mcg/day), fasting blood glucose levels decreased by an average of 45% (20). In contrast, a study in ten type 2 diabetics and seven nondiabetic controls reported that biotin supplementation (15,000 mcg/day) for 28 days did not decrease fasting blood glucose levels in either group (21). A more recent double-blind, placebo-controlled study by the same group of investigators found that the same biotin treatment protocol lowered plasma triglyceride levels in both diabetic and nondiabetic patients with hypertriglyceridemia (22). In this study, biotin administration did not affect blood glucose concentrations in either diabetic or nondiabetic subjects. Additionally, a few studies have shown that co-supplementation with biotin and chromium picolinate may be a beneficial adjunct therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes (23-26). However, several studies have reported that administration of chromium picolinate alone improves glycemic control in diabetic subjects (27). See the separate article on chromium.

Reductions in blood glucose levels were found in seven insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetics after one week of supplementation with 16,000 mcg of biotin daily (28). Several mechanisms could explain a possible blood glucose-lowering effect of biotin. As a cofactor of enzymes required for fatty acid synthesis, biotin may increase the utilization of glucose for fat synthesis. Biotin has been found to stimulate glucokinase, a liver enzyme that increases synthesis of glycogen, the storage form of glucose. Biotin has also been found to stimulate the secretion of insulin in the pancreas of rats, which also has the effect of lowering blood glucose (29). An effect on cellular glucose transporters (GLUT) is currently under investigation. Presently, studies of the effect of supplemental biotin on blood glucose levels in humans are extremely limited, but they highlight the need for further research.

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